锐财经 资讯 2022中国国际新能源和智能网联汽车展览会





2022 World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference


China International New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicles Exhibition



September 16th – 19th, 2022


New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Beijing


引新荟智 绿创未来

Attract the Cutting-edge Intelligence Together Create a Green Future


◎ 新能源和智能网联汽车第一大展!

The largest exhibition in new energy and intelligent connected vehicles field!


◎ 唯一的国家级汽车行业高端会议和展览展示平台!

The only national level high-end conference and exhibition platform for the automotive industry!


◎ 国内领先且具全球影响力的创新科技和产品推广专业权威平台!

The leading professional and authoritative platform for innovative technology and product promotion in China with global influence!


◎ 推动智能网联汽车行业管理部门联动、前沿技术和创新成果展示、国际交流与合作的科技类品牌展会!

The important authoritative carrier to promote the linkage of the management departments of the intelligent connected vehicle industry, the display of cutting-edge technologies and innovative achievements, and the international exchange and cooperation!


目录  Contents

邀请函 Invitation Letter

领导关怀 Governmental  Supports

展会信息 Exhibition Information

组织机构 Organizational Structure

展品范围 Exhibits

展区规划 Layout Planning

观众组织 Visitor Services

同期配套活动 Concurrently-held Supporting Events

展会宣传 Publicity Services

展会优势 Advantages

参展回报 & 收获 Exhibitors’ Equity & Benefits

精诚合作  共赢未来 Sincere Cooperation for a Win-win Future

展位预订 Booths Reservation


邀请函  Invitation Letter





A bright new phase of rapid technological evolution and accelerated industrial layout of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles has arrived, since the in-depth integration of automobiles with information and communication, artificial intelligence, Internet, new energy and other industries. Furthermore, it has become the main direction of the transformation and upgrading of the global automobile industry and the commanding heights of scientific and technological innovation in various countries. Held by The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality,Minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT),Ministry of Transport,Minister of Public Security and China Association for Science and Technology, 2022 World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference and  China International New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicles Exhibition (abbreviate as WICV) will be held at New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Beijing, during 1619, September, 2022, with exhibition, forum, professional tests and dynamic activities linked together present sparkling highlights.

WICV, as the only world-class professional conference which is approved by the Chinese government for the first time, also the world's largest international exhibition with the theme of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, it plays an important role for the implementation of the goal of Industry China's intelligent connected cars entering the forefront of the world by 2025 and promoting the development of China's new energy and intelligent connected vehicle industry. WICV is committed to building the most authoritative, forward-looking, influential and most industrially characteristic world-class platform in the global new energy and intelligent connected vehicles field, creating an international, professional, high-end exhibition with the highest specifications and the richest elements of intelligent connected in this industry. It comprehensively shows the good image of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles companies worldwide. Furthermore, it promotes new products and technologies, technological innovation and cross-industry integration, exchanges and cooperation between domestic and international enterprises, talents, and industries. Additionally, it explores new ecology, new standards, and new models, continues to lead the development trend of China and the global automotive industry. It can be concluded that WICV has started a new journey for the development of automobile industry.

The organizer sincerely invites new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, key parts and components and related companies, upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, universities and research institutes, demonstration districts and cities with urban applications, as well as companies and institutions in related industries such as new generation information communication, intelligent transportation, Internet, artificial intelligence, microelectronics, new materials and new energy will participate in the exhibition.


领导关怀Governmental  Supports


时任国务院副总理马凯  Ma Kai, Vice Premier of the State Council at the time


中央政治局委员、北京市委书记蔡奇  Cai Qi, Member of the Central Political Bureau, Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee


全国政协副主席、中国科学技术协会主席万钢  Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of the National Political Consultative Conference,Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology


全国政协经济委员会副主任、工业和信息化部原部长苗圩  Miao Wei, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Former Minister of MIIT


全国政协常委、全国政协社会和法制委员会副主任强卫 Qiang Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of CPPCC, Deputy Director of the Social and Legal Committee of CPPCC


工业和信息化部部长肖亚庆  Xiao Yaqing, Minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)


北京市委副书记、北京市市长陈吉宁  Chen Jining, Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee ,Mayor of Beijing


时任中国科学技术协会党组书记、常务副主席、书记处第一书记怀进鹏  Huai Jinpeng, The Then Executive Vice Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group,First Secretary-General of the Secretariat


工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌  Xin Guobin, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)


公安部副部长刘钊  Liu Zhao, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Security


交通运输部党组成员、副部长王志清 Wang Zhiqing, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport


时任交通运输部副部长刘小明  Liu Xiaoming, The Then Deputy Minister of Ministry of Transport


商务部副部长王炳南  Wang Bingnan, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Commerce



中国科协党委、党组成员、书记处书记王进展 Wang Jinzhan, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology



北京市委常委、副市长殷勇Yin Yong, Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee




展会信息Exhibition Information


展会名称 Name of the Exhibition

2022世界智能网联汽车大会  2022 World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference

中国国际新能源和智能网联汽车展览会  China International New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicles Exhibition


搭建时间  Move-in Time:

2022年9月13日- 15日  September 13th – 15th, 2022


展览时间  Exhibition Time:

2022年9月16日- 19日(周五至周一)  September 16th – 19th, 2022 (From Friday to Monday)


撤展时间  Move-out Time:2022 年9 月19 日14:00-21:00  14:00-21:00, September 19th, 2022



北京·中国国际展览中心(新馆)  New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Beijing



组织机构Organizational Structure



北京市人民政府 The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality

工业和信息化部 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

公安部 Ministry of Public Security

交通运输部 Ministry of Transport

中国科学技术协会 China Association for Science and Technology


承办单位Co-hosted Organizers:

工业和信息化部装备工业发展中心 Development Center of Equipment Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

北京市经济和信息化局 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

中国电子信息产业发展研究院 China Center for Information Industry Development

北京市顺义区人民政府 People’s Government of Shunyi District, Beijing

中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council

中国电工技术学会 China Electrotechnical Society (CES)



Exhibition Operating Committee


Beijing CCID Publishing & Media Co., Ltd.


Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co., Ltd.  


Beijing Eidc Intelligent Connected Technology Co., Ltd.


特别合作单位Specially Cooperating Organization:

中国汽车工业协会 China Association of Automobile Manufectuers(CAAM)

中国汽车工程学会 China Society of Automotive Engineers (China-SAE)

中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司 China Automotive Technology&Research Center Co. Ltd(CATARC)

中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司 China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.(CAERI)

欧洲汽车工业协会 European Automobile Manufacturers Association(ACEA)

德国汽车工业协会 German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)

日本汽车工业协会 Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association(JAMA)

中国智能网联汽车产业创新联盟 China Industry Innovation Alliance for the  Intelligent and Connected Vehicles( CAICV)

中国汽车芯片产业创新战略联盟 China Automotive Chip Industry Innovation Strategic Alliance

新能源汽车国家大数据联盟 National Big Data Alliance of New Energy Vehicles(NDANEV)

清华大学 Tsinghua University

北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology

组委会主任 Directors of the Organizing Committee


陈吉宁 Chen Jining

北京市委副书记、北京市市长  Mayor of Beijing, Deputy Secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee


肖亚庆 Xiao Yaqing

工业和信息化部党组书记、部长  Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group


王小洪 Wang Xiaohong

公安部党委副书记、常务副部长 Secretary of the Party Committee, Administrative Vice Minister of Public Security


李小鹏 Li Xiaopeng

交通运输部部长、党组副书记 Minister of Transport, Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group


张玉卓 Zhang Yuzhuo

中国科学技术协会党组书记、副主席、书记处第一书记 Executive Vice Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group,First Secretary-General of the Secretariat


组委会副主任 Deputy Directors of the Organizing Committee

殷 勇 Yin Yong

北京市委常委、北京市副市长 Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee


辛国斌 Xin Guobin

工业和信息化部党组成员、副部长 Member of the Leading Party Members' Group, Deputy Minister of Industry and Information Technology


刘 钊 Liu Zhao

公安部党委委员、副部长 Member of the Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Public Security


王志清 交通运输部党组成员、副部长Wang Zhiqing, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport


吕昭平 Lyu Zhaoping

中国科协常委、党组成员、书记处书记  Standing Committee Member ,Member of the Leading Party Members' Group of China Association for Science and Technology, Secretary-General of the Secretariat


执委会主任 Director of the Executive Committee

杨秀玲 Yang Xiuling

北京市经济和信息化局党组书记、局长 Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group, Director General of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology


执委会副主任 Deputy Directors of the Executive Committee


王卫明 Wang Weiming

工业和信息化部装备工业一司司长 Director of Department One of Equipment Industry,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

李江平 Li Jiangping

公安部交通管理局局长 Director of the Traffic Management Bureau of Ministry of Public Security


岑晏青 Cen Yanqing

交通运输部科技司副司长 Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Transport


刘兴平 Liu Xingping

中国科学技术协会科学技术创新部部长Director of Science and Technology Innovation Department of China Association for Science and Technology

龚宗元Gong Zongyuan

北京市顺义区委副书记、区长Deputy Secretary and District Head of Shunyi District Committee, Beijing



(一)整车类I. Vehicles





I. Vehicles

1.Intelligent Connected Vehicles: Concept Vehicles, Intelligent Vehicles, Intelligent Electric Vehicles, Internet Vehicles, Autonomous vehicles, Pilotless Automobile, Aero car, etc.

2.New-Energy Vehicles: Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV, including solar vehicles); Fuel Cell Electric vehicles (FCEV), Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle (HICEV), Air-powered Vehicle, Magnetic Electric Vehicle, other new energy vehicles and various categories of products.

3. Energy-Efficient Vehicles (EEV): Gasoline, diesel vehicles adopted internal combustion engine as the primary power system, which comprehensive operating status fuel consumption superior to the next stage of the target; During the period of whole industry chain and the full life cycle, the vehicle models have adopted energy-saving technologies and products including Advanced Internal Combustion Engine and High-Efficiency Transmissions, new materials, lightweight design, green manufacturing, etc. in stages of R&D, manufacturing and usage; Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) such as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Natural gas (LNG), and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) such as methanol vehicles, ethanol vehicles and dimethyl ether vehicles; Hybrid vehicles (including oil and electricity hybrids, gas and electricity hybrids, etc.).

4. Other environmentally-friendly vehicles: Vehicle models reach the China VI emission standard; Vehicle models with the exhaust emission is up to standard.













II. Parts and Components

1.Intelligent Connection Products and Technologies

· Vehicle-mounted Intelligent Hardware: Processors, Intelligent Chips, Sensors, Controllers, Final Controlling Elements, Connectors, Automobile Electric Appliances and Wiring Harnesses, etc;

· Intelligent technology products and technologies: intelligent parts and accessories, ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System), IVI Solution, communication module, voice interaction technology, touch and display, intelligent decision-making technology, human-computer interaction system, machine vision image recognition technology, obstacles Radar detection technology (laser, millimeter wave, ultrasonic), sensing unit, DLP, AR/ VR/ MR technology and products;

· Body electronic control products and technologies: engine control system, chassis control system and vehicle control technology (body electronic ECU), automatic emergency braking (AEB), self-adaptive cruise control (ACC);

· Intelligent vehicle equipment: OBD, 360 panoramic reversing, rearview mirror, driving recorder, car air purifier, HUD, etc;

·Vehicle-mounted electronic devices: vehicle information systems (Trip-computers), car navigation systems, car infotainment systems, car audio systems, car communication systems, car appliances, Automotive electronic dog, Internet devices, communication positioning and map technology (DSRC, 5G, Beidou), high-precision map, in-vehicle Bluetooth, etc;

· Internet of vehicles related products: GPS positioning, automotive TSP, automotive APP; communication equipment manufacturers, communication service providers, platform operators, data platform technologies, content providers, etc.

2.Big data and cloud computing, test platforms and related technologies and products.

3.Applications of core components and advanced technologies including battery, electric motor, electronic control, etc.

4.Energy-saving technologies and products such as advanced internal combustion engines, high-efficiency transmissions, lightweight materials, and vehicle optimization design, etc.




III. Charging and Supporting Facilities

Charging piles, chargers, power distribution cabinets, battery replacement and battery management systems, parking lot charging facilities, intelligent monitoring, charging station power supply solutions, charging stations – smart power grid solutions, etc.



Ⅳ. Test Demonstration Zones, cities with promoting applications areas and International Pavilion



V. A new generation of information and communication, intelligent transportation, Internet, microelectronics, artificial intelligence and new materials, new energy and other related industry chain upstream and downstream enterprises and institutions.



展区规划Layout Planning


车路协同 Vehicle-Road Synergy


聪明的车 The Intelligent Vehicles


The Area is divided into two main segments, namely indoor and outdoor segment. The passenger vehicles are mainly displayed at indoor segment, where commercial vehicles and special vehicles are mainly used outdoors. Taking the terminal of the industry chain as the entry point, and the car companies are the main focus. The emphasis is on the display of intelligent network connection, new energy frontier models, key vehicle technologies, core support and integrated technology


智慧的路 The Comprehensive/Well-informed Roads


Taking the sensing process (such as lidar, millimeter-wave radar, vision sensors, roadside units, etc.) as the entry point, focusing on vehicle-road synergy, combined with new infrastructure, selecting representative enterprises, scenarios and applications for the centralized display of the intelligent transportation system, which is represented by infrastructure informatization, intelligent transportation management


产数 Industry-Digital Integration


灵活的网 The Agile Network

重点展示 ICT(信息通信技术)企业

Focus on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) companies


智能的芯 The Smart Chips

聚焦感知、计算、控制、通讯、存储、安全、功率等关键汽车芯片,以及 EDA设计软件、检测、生产设备(高端光刻机)、原材料和相关技术

Focus on key automotive chips such as perception, computing, control, communication, storage, security, power, etc., as well as EDA design software, testing, production equipment (high-end lithography machines), raw materials and related technologies


强大的云 The Powerful Cloud


Focus on the presentation of applications and technologies on big data and cloud computing platform


精准的地图 The Precise Maps


Focus on the presentation of high-precision maps, high-precision positioning technology and application services


清洁的动力 The Clean Energy

以电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化为趋势的汽车“新四化”正重塑行业格局,全面新能源化与智能网联化融合发展的时代正在加速到来。该展区将重点展示新能源汽车核心零部件和关键技术,展示关联企业配合国家碳达峰、碳中和“3060 目标”,助推经济绿色高质量发展做出的努力

The New Four Modernizations of automobiles, with the trend of electrification, intelligence, connectivity, and sharing-travel, are reshaping the industry structure, and the era of comprehensive development of new energy and intelligent network integration is accelerating. The exhibition area will focus on displaying the core components and key technologies of new energy vehicles, as well as the efforts of related companies to cooperate with the national carbon peak and carbon neutral  3060 Target to promote the green and high-quality development of the economy


未来生态 Future Ecology


面向未来的协同创新 Collaborative Innovation for the Future


For the purpose of comprehensive display of the collaborative innovation results of the intelligent connected vehicle industry, the propagandistic subjectivity is set to be the pioneering typical application scenarios and representative demonstration cities, with various demonstrative methods including graphics, videos, sand tables, models, physical objects, 3D, AR/VR, etc.

未来出行展示专区 Future Travel Display Zone


The theme and background are set as 8 typical application scenarios including logistics distribution, shared travel, public transportation, sanitation operations, port terminals, trunk logistics, unmanned retail, and smart agriculture, combined with autonomous driving demonstrations and experience activities.

“车与生活”互动体验区 Vehicles and Life Interactive Experience Zone通过举办“智慧新生活”主题科普展示、汽车宝贝嘉年华、沉浸式VR、全国高校汽车科技文化节、惠享金秋汽车消费节、智慧出行亲子家庭日等活动,增强展会趣味性、互动性,为建设汽车社会新生态营造良好氛围

An increase in the interestingness and interactivity is planned to be achieved by organizing activities including Smart New Life Thematic Science Popularization Event, Car Baby Carnival, Immersive VR, Automotive Technology and Culture Festival for Nationwide Colleges and Universities, Preferential Car Sale Festival in the Golden Autumn, Smart Travel Family Day Event. The goal is to create a good atmosphere for the construction of a new ecology of the automobile society


Future Travel Display Zone(Outdoor Autonomous Driving Demonstration Experience Area)


The theme and background are set as 8 typical application scenarios including logistics distribution, shared travel, public transportation, sanitation operations, port terminals, trunk logistics, unmanned retail, and smart agriculture, combined with autonomous driving demonstrations and experience activities.

Focus on the typical application scenarios of 8+1, discover high-quality enterprises and projects, strengthen the collaboration and promotion of participating enterprises and institutions, and enhance the integrity, representativeness and demonstration effect of activities. In terms of autonomous driving experience activities and project settings, we focus on professionalism, demonstration, ornamental value, interestingness and experience, full interaction between online and offline audiences, all-round multi-dimensional communication and promotion, continuous improvement of public participation, and all-round display the latest and most powerful cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements.

全国智能驾驶测试赛 National Intelligent Driving Test Competition (NIDC)


Authoritative and professional live tests and evaluations will be conducted among the gathering latest products and technologies in the field of intelligent driving. Furthermore, the discover of growing companies and projects and the promotion of high-quality products and technologies are considered to be achieved by the competition, which is simultaneously building bridges for exchanges and cooperation between government, enterprise, research and capital and constructing a new ecology of the automotive industry. The goal is to create a unique professional and authoritative test-competition platform domestically and internationally, leading the direction of application and industrialization of intelligent connected vehicles. The competition will start in March 2022, preliminaries and regional competitions will be held from April to August, and the finals will be awarded with honorary certificates in September.


观众组织Visitor Services



—— Professional Audience of High Quality and over Wide Coverage


—— General Audience of High Engagement and Exceptional Popularity


—— The International Visitors and Buyers of being High in the Number, Matching Degree and Turnover Rate


——International Concurrent Conferences of being Upscale, Authoritative and Professional, with Higher-ups Gathering


—— Exciting Interactive Experience



同期配套活动Concurrently-held Supporting Events


专业配套活动 Professional Supporting Events

专业论坛和高端会议 Professional forums and high-end conferences


The Releasing of Intelligent Connection Platform


Live interview room


Commendation and Demonstration of Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements of New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicles


Appraise through Comparison of China's New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Chain

科普及互动体验活动Interactive experience of science popularization



Smart New Life:

Thematic Science popularization event



Smart Travel Family Day



Check-in interactive area



Activities of look for new collection praise to redeem award

惠享金秋汽车消费节The Preferential Car Sale Festival in the Golden Autumn

全国高校汽车科技文化节Automotive Technology and Culture Festival for Nationwide Colleges and Univer



Closing Ceremony



展会宣传Publicity Services





政府主导唯一平台,政产学研资用六位一体The only platform organized by the government, the six-in-one of government, industry, university, research and funding

专业、权威,国际化程度高Professional, authoritative and highly internationalized

规模大,覆盖全产业链Large scale, covering the entire industry chain

精准营销,专业化&定制服务Precision marketing, professional & customized services

跨界融合,商业社交优质平台Cross-industry integration, high-quality commercial and social platform

认可度高,影响力与日俱增High recognition and increasing influence

创新引领,行业发展风向标Leading Innovations, leading the vane of industry development


参展回报 & 收获 Exhibitors’ Equity & Benefits



——Comprehensively improve market share, brand awareness and influence of the exhibitor

助力展商开拓国内外市场,展览展示、交流合作、交易优质服务和丰厚回报Great support for exhibitors to open up the market,a high-end, professional, international exhibitions, high-quality platforms for industry exchanges, cooperation, and transactions.



• Enhance the brand cognition and market share, transform consumption patterns, develop consumers’ brand loyalty, shape a good brand image, and effectively enhance exhibitors' international and domestic influence.



——Cross-industry integration to promote collaboration and innovation cooperation in related industries


• Follow industry development trends, keep up with cutting-edge technology and popular areas, strive to promote cross-border integration and coordinated development of related industries.



• Covering the entire industry chain, affecting upstream and downstream manufacturers, channel vendors and terminals in the entire Chinese region and even the international market.




——A marketing, publicity and communication platform of low-cost, efficient and high-quality



 Precision marketing, high-quality, high-end, international platform for exchange and cooperation domestically and internationally 获得众多国内外强势媒体的密集型报道,得到社会各界特别是潜在客户、专业买家们的广泛关注,为展商市场推广活动开源节流,降低营销成本,推广效果佳,成效比高。

• It has received intensive reports from many powerful media at China and the world, and has attracted widespread attention from the society. It has opened up and reduced expenditures for exhibitor market promotion activities, reduced marketing costs, obtained substantial promotion effect with high effectiveness ratio.



——The perfect opportunity for introducing new vehicle models, products and technologies


• Professional planning team, first-class display environment, high-frequency media exposure, so that exhibitors' new models, new products and new technology releases can get the best results, and market feedback, along with greatly enhancing the awareness of enterprises and product brands and reputation.



—— Busy season of the year, don’t miss out on promotional opportunities


• The exhibition is quite popular, while as the peak season for car sales. The organizers build the best discount car purchase platform throughout the year to help car companies and dealers achieve good sales performance.



——Exquisite exhibition organization, high-quality and thoughtful service


• The organizers give full play to its comprehensive strength, Chinese and international influence and cohesion, multi-channel and comprehensive media promotion system, and other superior resources to provide exhibitors with high-quality, efficient, professional, and international exhibition planning, organization, and management and service.


精诚合作,共赢未来Sincere Cooperation for a Win-win Future



As China's largest professional new energy and intelligent connected vehicle exhibition, Asia's largest and most influential professional new energy and intelligent connected vehicle exhibition display platform, WICV has become an annually held and grand event in the new energy and intelligent connected vehicles industry,after years of development. The popularity in the industry, reputation and international influence are growing with each passing day, becoming the high-quality ,high-end platform for major exhibitors on communication and study, display and demonstration, product and technology innovation, talent exchange, business cooperation, brand publicity, promotion and marketing and also play an important and irreplaceable role in international exchanges, investment promotion, cross-border collaboration, and industrial convergence. In the future, the organizer will continue to adhere to the concept of "specialization, proficiency, and depth", and take "serving enterprises and industries" as its mission, create a high-level, international and professional exhibition and industry service platform that is "leading domestically and world-class".



展位预订Booths Reservation


室内光地Indoor Raw Space

1480元/㎡(36㎡起订)1480 CNY /㎡ (Minimum order quatity:36㎡)


标准展位Standard Booth

13800元/个(3m*3m,双开口展位加收10%) 13800 CNY /Unit (3m* 3m, 10% extra fees for two openings.)



Outdoor Raw Space:800 CNY /㎡ (Minimum order quatity:36㎡)  


会刊刊例价Advertisement Price on Exhibition Brochure

封面拉页:50,000元Front Cover Gate Fold: 50,000 CNY

封二:20,000元Inside Front Cover: 20,000 CNY

封二旁:18,000元Side of Inside Front Cover: 18,000 CNY

封三:20,000元Inside Back Cover: 20,000 CNY

封三旁:18,000元Side of Inside Back Cover: 18,000 CNY

内页整版:5,000元Full Inside Page: 5,000 CNY

内页跨版:8,000元Inside Page Spread: 8,000 CNY

封底:30,000元Back Over: 30,000 CNY

封底拉页:40,000元Back Over Pull: 40,000 CNY


展场广告Advertisement on the Venue

请咨询展览执行单位Please Contact the Exhibition Operating Committee



Exhibition Operating Committee

北京中汽四方会展有限公司Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co., Ltd

展商服务部Chinese Exhibitors:0086-10-63362356/63361277

国际合作部International Exhibitors:0086-10-63361929

观众组织部Visitors Services:0086-10-63364112

品牌宣传部Brand Publicity: 0086-10-63364771

综合管理部General Administration: 0086-10-63367906

传真:0086-10-63364211 Fax: 0086-10-63364211



Address: Room511, Building No.1, GTFC Plaza, Fengtai District, Beijing, China.



财务信息:Financial Information:


Bank account name: Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co., Ltd


Bank of Deposit: China Merchants Bank, Beijing West Third Ring Branch

账号:110910894910101 Account Number: 110910894910101




September 16th – 19th, 2022


New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Beijing


Looking forward to your visit!






Beijing Auto Square Exhibition Co., Ltd(Exhibition Operating Committee)

展商服务部Chinese Exhibitors:010-63362356、63361277

国际合作部International Exhibitors:010-63361929

观众组织部Visitor Services:010-63364112

品牌宣传部Brand Publicity:010-63364771

综合管理部General Administration:010-63367906


传 真Fax:010-63364211

邮 箱E-mail:ieev@evautoe.com

地 址:北京市丰台区广安路9号国投财富广场1号楼511

Address: Room511, Building No.1, GTFC Plaza, Fengtai District, Beijing, China.





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